Thursday, January 6, 2011

On the other hand ...

Budget antics more theater than reality show. As if it were difficult to predict, the Republican radicals have a bigger bark than bit. Hours after taking control of the House of Representatives, Republican lawmakers were already rolling back pledges to slash spending -- a rollback that may actually be the best thing they can do for the economy. It's very different to govern than it is to campaign. The wonder is that people are stupid enough to believe the lies that politicians spew during political campaigns: change, leaner government, no earmarks, lower taxes, bipartisanship. Hooey.

I did see a bozo that is a new Represenative from Florida, Allen West, last night on the LawrenceO'Donnell show, The Last Word. West, whom LO quoted making disparaging and acrimonious remarks about the President, criticized President Obama for flying into Afghanistan in a darkened Air Force One. West believes that troops deserve bold leadership, and flying in a darkened airplane is not bold leadership. This minnow is a wingnut, a whacko, an amazing example of an idiot rising above his level of competency by appealing to people's baser instincts. He's a Tea Bagger, to boot. Yet when LO pressed him on details of his budget cutting proposals, this newly-sworn-in representative sounded as if he'd been in politics a long time. He is a retired military, a colonel, or something. Bozo.

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