Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conspiracy theories

President Obama released his birth certificate today. However, the move did anything but end the chatter. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck both said that they think the release today was timed to distract from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s news conference. Beck said, “My theory: this is because Bernanke is speaking today.” And Orly Tatiz, the self-anointed leader of the “birther” movement, says she still has doubts about Obama’s past: “This is not Joe Schmoe. This is a guy sitting in the position of president of the United States…We need to know the answer to all of those questions." Meanwhile, the widow of Dr. David A. Sinclair, the doctor who delivered Obama according to the document, claims to have had no idea that her husband delivered a president. She calls the news “very exciting.”

How 'bout that? Beck and Palin agree.

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