Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lest we get complacent

Concerns are growing on Fox News that despite having managed to eliminate Osama bin Laden, the Obama administration's soft approach to terrorism is endangering America's future.

And Glenn Beck was concerned about the failure of the American education system to teach young people proper values (view clip) – when he learned that upon hearing of Osama bin Laden's death last week, the most searched questions on Google by under-24 year olds were: "who's that?" "why did they kill him?" and "why does it matter?" Beck fears that our schools today are failing young people who are having their heads filled with crazy notions about climate change and how many orangutans are left on the planet, instead of what is really important – like the death of a terrorist.

It's good to know these bozos are keeping their eyes open, making sure the President doesn't fall asleep at the switch.

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